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International Moving Terms

The terms in this listing are a compilation of terms from several sources and are intended to help movers in avoiding any confusion in their use. This listing of terms is intended as a guideline only. It was developed in 2010 by CAM’s International Committee, and reflects information available at that time.

Many of the acronyms reflect abbreviations that were used to shorten TELEX or TWX messages. The use of abbreviations or acronyms can be confusing (e.g., POD could define Port of Departure or Proof of Delivery). CAM recommends using the term in full whenever possible especially when dealing with a consumer.

Some records only show the acronym and the term as the term is self-explanatory.

Some records only show the term and the definition as no acronym is in current use.

CAM would appreciate your feedback on the definitions and any additions or deletions to the listings.

These terms are subject to change without notice.
