Canadian Association of Movers

L'Association canadienne des déménageurs


Movers' Edge

June 2, 1998

A New Newsletter

CAM proudly announces the inauguration of its new newsletter, Movers' Edge. It is a bulletin in which members can read about events and news in the moving industry, government, and our association. We will accept any newsworthy contributions.

Weight as a Basis for Payment

We asked for your input in February as to what the most appropriate measurement was for moves and received well considered responses from across Canada, and from a supplier-member in Malaysia. The responses included votes for both weight and cube. The objective was to find an unequivocal and fair measure for charging the customer. The need was originally driven by government contract and a group initiative was ended by the Competition Bureau. The same results are being attempted through one-on-one discussion.

Hours-of-Service Regulations

Brian Orrbine of Transport Canada spoke at a CAM roundtable on March 11 and laid out the options for the new Hours-of-Service regulations being developed by the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA). Based on the discussion at this event and subsequently with CAM members, the CAM office prepared a position paper and submitted it to Transport Canada.

David Long and John Levi represented CAM at a CCMTA meeting in Ottawa on April 27. Attendees included other transportation-related associations, federal and provincial government agencies and the US Federal Highway Administration. The complete set of regulations is under consideration including the duty cycle options (60 hours in 7 days, 70/8 and 120/14) and a 24-hour cycle versus the current 23-hour one (15 hours on duty, 8 hours off). A new feature being considered is the 36-hour reset. When a driver takes a 36-hour off-duty period, his logbook is returned to zero hours worked.

A device which measures a driver's fatigue level and fitness to work is currently being evaluated as an alternative to the current duty cycles. We are awaiting the minutes from that meeting and further information from CCMTA on the direction contemplated.


CAM has presented several seminars in the last few months. These include:

  • How Industry-Specific Software Can Assist the Mover in Canada - Bill Brackner - Bluebird Business Solutions
  • Hours-of-Work Amendments - Impact on the Moving Industry - Brian Orrbine - Transport Canada & CCMTA
  • Demystifying Relocation Management Companies - Bruce Atyeo - HFS Mobility Services
  • The Future of Government Contracts with the Moving Industry - Ken Janes - Central Removal Service & Andrew Pierce - DND furniture and Effects Policy

Each one of the presentations provided movers with valuable information on where their industry is going, the forces driving it, and how to improve operational efficiency and profitability. All speakers received excellent reviews from the attendees.

Moving Consultants Course

CAM will be working with the AMSA to produce a Certified Moving Consultant's course. CAM will meet with the staff of the AMSA in Toronto on June 10 to discuss amendments to the course for the needs of the Canadian mover and the possible addition of a section on information technology.

Upcoming Events

The 1998 Annual Conference will be held on November 23 and 24 at the Bristol Place Hotel in Toronto. The 1997 Conference was a success with a broad range of speakers who updated the members on everything from the Internet to Profitability to ISO 9000 Certification. New members were added to the Board of Directors and to the membership committee. This year we are looking forward to our third successful Conference. Your input is needed.

Membership Directory

The 1998 Membership Directory is in its final editing stages. We will have the page proofs in the next few days and will be doing the final edit. You should see your copies in July. This year we have only included member firms. You will see a significant increase in the number of overseas members and suppliers.

Bottom Line

It's new; it's yours; use it; help us keep it going - contribute a news item!

E-mail to admin@mover.net

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