Buy and Sell

Buy and Sell
Buy and Sell

Are you looking for a moving product or service? Do you have surplus moving equipment that you wish to sell? CAM can assist you with your advertisement for moving equipment that is for sale or is wanted. To post your buy/sell items contact CAM.


*new* For Sale or Trade - Storage Vaults - Feb. 7, 2025. Toronto member Firemen Movers has storage vaults to sell. These need to be out of their facility before February 28th. They are moving and looking to either trade or liquidate some of our storage vaults. They have 80 to trade/sell. “Ours are rather large...97 high x 88 wide x 61 deep. We are looking to trade with other movers, specifically looking for vaults no taller than 7 feet (84 inches). Happy to sell them too. Price will depend on quantity, however, was hoping to trade.” Contact Pat Karpat - pk[at]


For Sale - Trailers - Dec 16, 2024