

Always check with the US Customs and Border Protection for the latest US entry requirements.


US Entry Classifications

You need to understand your classification before embarking to cross the US border. These are the two classifications that will identify you when crossing.

For the purpose of Customs and Immigration, there are two classes of people entering the USA:

  • Returning Residents
  • Non-Residents

Returning Residents:

A citizen is defined as a person who has acquired United States Citizenship by virtue of birth or naturalization.

A resident alien is a non-citizen or national of another country that has acquired legal permanent residence within the United States, and is returning from a temporary stay outside the US.

If you are trying to distinguish which category you reside in, to make it easy, residents hold United States passports.


An immigrant is a person who has acquired a visa allowing them to live permanently within the United Sates and who is coming to the US for initial admission for permanent residence.

A non-immigrant is a national of another country other than the United States who is preceding to the US temporarily on business, or to study and who has another country which he/she ultimately intends to return.

Documents Required by US Customs

These are the documentation requirements to have ready for US Customs (depending on your class from Part 1) when crossing the US border.

Your driver must have the following documents in his possession to clear your shipment with Us Customs at the United States Port of Entry:

Returning Residents:

  • Photocopy of passport (inside page showing picture and description of importer, including the signature portion) for each family member – must be in colour, legible and valid
  • Photocopy of a second piece of ID (drivers licence or NEXUS card) – in colour and legible
  • 3299 Form (Declaration of Free Entry of Un-accompanied Articles)
  • Gypsy Moth Form *


Note: Every family member who will be entering the United Sates must have a passport; and if non-resident have a valid visa. The driver must have all passports and, if applicable, visas for all family members when crossing.

  • Photocopy of passport (inside page showing picture and description of importer, including the signature portion) for each family member – must be in colour, legible and valid
  • Photocopy of green card, residency card or visa stamp and, if applicable, your visa page in passport – must be in colour and legible
  • 3299 Form (Declaration of Free Entry of Un-accompanied Articles)
  • Gypsy Moth Form*

For special circumstances:

Specialty custom documentation for your special circumstances may be required.

  • Estate moves
  • Snow Birds
  • Vacation Homes
  • Commercial

Make certain that both you and your driver possess the above documents for your move across the border, in order to avoid any stressful circumstances. Obtaining and setting these documents aside in advance your move date will help!

Personal Documentation Requirements when Crossing the Border

This is the documentation which you are personally responsible for having ready for Customs when crossing the US border.

For your personal entry into the United States, you must produce the following documents for US Customs at the United States Port of Entry:

  • Passport for each family member
  • Valid work visa (if applicable)
  • Copy of the Bill of Lading
  • Copy of the household goods inventory listings
  • Personal household goods inventory
  • Copy of the 3299 Form (Declaration of Free Entry of Unaccompanied Articles)

* Gypsy Moth, Certificate of Self Inspection

If you are moving from Canada to the USA, be prepared to complete a Gypsy Moth self-inspection and complete a ‘Gypsy Moth, Certificate of Self Inspection’ form. This document is mandated by US customs and is to be completed and signed by the owner of the household effects being shipped into the USA. The form is a declaration, by the shipper, that their goods are free of Gypsy Moths.

Every state enforces the use of this form differently, so it is better ‘to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it’. For example, California is one state which is very strict in demanding that the form be supplied, and if it is not, then they will quarantine your effects.

Here's a sample form:

Transporting a Vehicle

If your vehicle is being transported across the border, note that:

  • if the vehicle is refused entry at the border for any reason deemed necessary by the customs officer, this could result in the transportation of that vehicle to terminate at the border. A refund may not be issued to you by the transportation company.
  • it's recommended that you deactivate your Sun Pass, EZ Pass and transponder prior to transportation to prevent signals being picked up by toll booths.


Thank you to Phillips Moving (Toronto ON) for contributing to this information

Thanks to Phillips Moving & Storage (Toronto, ON) for contributing to this content.